Reflection On John 1: 35-42
The theme of
reading ‘Jesus as the Lamb of God’ continued by John the Baptist. He introduced
Jesus as the ‘lamb’ to his two disciples. They heard him say and at once went with
Jesus. Jesus questioned them saying,
what they were looking for? But they addressed Him as Rabbi (Teacher) and asked
where did He live? Here Jesus gave them an open invitation to become his
disciples and asked them to ‘come and see.’ Those who went, saw and experienced
Jesus, joined his group, leaving everything behind. This gradually revealed the
identity of Jesus to the disciples. After remaining with Jesus they proclaimed
that they found the Messiah. This led them to become Heralds of the Good News. It
was certainly Andrew told his brother Simon that he found the Messiah (Christ).
But the real meaning was understood in the latter days, when Jesus suffered for
the sins of the world and was crucified.
Finally it was Jesus who called Simon as ‘Cephas’. This is the same name
as Peter = ‘a rock’ who was foundation for the Church.
What do you get message for your life?
The word
‘Lamb’ is derived from the Greek word ‘amnos’ = one who will be humiliated and
slaughtered. The same word descripted in the book of Revelation 5:6 as
victorious, glorious Lamb of God who has conquered death. Jesus gave an open
invitation not only to disciples but to whole mankind throughout the ages even
producing at different times and situations. Only those who feel his presence
can able to experience Him and know how good He is. Once a professor was at his
class took an apple and ate before the students questioned, ‘what was the taste
of the apple I ate just now?’ No one answered. He said, ‘only I know it because
I ate it.’ Even Samuel’s vocation is similar to the context of the reading. He
could not meet Yahweh. Later when he realized he responded, ‘Speak Lord, your
servant is listening.’ And Yahweh spoke. That is why it is an open invitation
to everyone to work for Him who is always in your side.
Once a Professor
went to meet a Zen Master to learn about Buddhism. The Master took a cup and
jar of tea and began to fill the cup. The cup was filled to the brim, yet the
Master did not stop. It overflowed. Still he did not stop until the Professor
intervened saying, ‘the cup isn’t contain anymore.’ You too are like this cup –
full to receive anything more’ said the Master.
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To experience
Jesus we need to empty ourselves and go with an open heart. If we give more
importance to business than to the Lord then we are failed to receive His
calling and accept Him. If we receive Jesus with an open heart, surely there
will be no need to turn back.
Question yourself:
Do I listen to God’s call?
Do I accept or neglect Him?
Do I take Jesus as the Master?
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