Reflection On Mark 2: 18-22
A question ‘Why are the
disciples of John the Baptist and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but
yours do not?’ is about a question of empty faith or a futile. The answer does
not seem to be an answer but a suitable example to the questionnaire. The guests
at wedding party leave without food or not? Secondly patching new piece of
cloth to an old coat which is null and void because it may cause get even a
bigger hole. Anyone does not pour new wine into old wine skins because it may
burst the skin. These examples produced by Jesus in a way to understand the
people of times and know what is right. A question arose with regarding fasting
but answer was sarcastically meant to develop the minds of unbelievers. Jesus defined
the purpose of fasting is considered to be one of the mean to avoid sin, follow
the law of Moses, follow religious rites and a sign of penance for sins. Finally
it was all for God as a means of sacrifice to be pure and holy. Moreover it was
a practice carried down by the Pharisees and teachers of the law.
Jesus gave examples to
understand and feel the flexibility In order to follow His teaching in a simple
manner. He did not want the people to suffer by fasting. Instead practice what
was lawful and worthy to fulfill the commandments of God. This also speaks on
the attitude on how do we accept Jesus? If we accept Jesus, we have to accept
Him fully, not only is what convenient for us keeping what we do not want to
part with. For example: we are tending to work more in order to earn more. But we
do not seek God’s grace. In another instance: we accept Jesus only to show off,
time pass or to rely on Him at times. At this juncture, we lose God’s grace. Actually
Jesus was not concerned primarily about garments and wine but about what ideas
we are blending together in our minds and hearts? We do not wear a garment of
fear patched with faith. We do not react to a situation one time from pure
faith and the next time from superstition. We either trust God’s love and
providence or we do not. Hence we must wear a garment of single robe woven of
faith, hope and love.
Questions yourself:
What is your
practice towards Christ?
How do you
lift up your faith in Christ?
In conclusion, we can live daily spiritually by offering our
gifts, our time and especially our suffering to God who in union with Jesus
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