Reflection On Mark 3: 1-6

The passage narrates the debate between Jesus and the Jewish authority about working on Sabbath. There are two significant and contrasting opinions about one what should do or not to do on Sabbath day. According to Pharisees none must work on Sabbath at any cost for it was holy. Whereas Jesus promotes to work on Sabbath day when it is absolute necessary especially saving someone’s life or helping one in need. The fact that the Jewish authorities were trying to trap Jesus was with their evil intention and impurity of heart mainly concerning on His works. The law of Levitical priesthood could not attain what was perfect and permanent. But some teachers of the law and Pharisees clung on its strict and harmful interpretation. When Jesus pointed out this mistake in interpretation, they would not come to their senses because they were corrupted and selfish. Of course this was the sad news to Jesus.

To be shriveled is to be dried up, drawn tightly or to have a lack of moisture. Our bodies are literally filled with fluid which keeps us alive, warm and well. The man with the paralyzed hand was the symbol of a person who lacked the fluid needed to carry on a normal life. What a blessing he encountered to find Jesus coming to his rescue. The Lord gives him the waters of life which wells up from within and releases his drawn of tensions so that he can function again. To ‘shrive’ is an ancient word meaning to forgive in the sacrament of reconciliation. Jesus worked miracles of healing wherever happened to be even in the synagogue on the Sabbath. The Pharisees were law conscious and not very people centered. They could not appreciate the healing of the paralyzed man. All they could see was in negative that Sabbath was the rest day and been violated by Jesus. He had no respect either for the law or the Sabbath. That is why Jesus condemned with displeasure of their conduct. For Jesus, people’s needs were important than the law. It repeated once again Sabbath for the good of people; not people for the Sabbath.
On the contrary their impurity of heart closed their minds which deliberately caused to sin. Also refusing to accept what is truth because God himself is truth. Generally people close their minds to God when the latter proves to be disturbing their own selfish interests.
Questions to ponder:
How do you interpret such laws if encountered by you?
Are you flexible enough in thought or law minded?


  1. Thank you for this, i love your reflection on this Gospel. ❤

  2. Vguihosconsbo_Provo Scott Tiatia link


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