Reflection on Mark 3: 31-35

People often have serious conflicts over how much time they should devote to their jobs and how much should be given to their families. The same situation was also present in the life of Jesus. According to epistle, doing the will of God is far better and acceptable to God. Offering a sacrifice is not a big thing as long as it does not touch one’s life. The rich can easily offer costly sacrifices from their riches. On the other hand, doing the will of God can be very hard, especially when the will of God contradicts one’s individual preferences. But, to be in Jesus’ company, it is necessary to surrender one’s will to the will of God. Like what He himself did during his agony in the garden. Here Jesus was at work this day, right in the midst of His talk before a large audience, His mother and some other family members try to call Him from the dais to speak with Him personally. Don’t wonder what in the world was so important that they would interrupt Him at that time! We are never told what the urgency of the situation was. Jesus didn’t comply with the request but gave a quip, similar to His temple-statement, when He was twelve years old. He states that those who hear and believe in Him are as close to Him as are His natural family members. Indirectly, the Lord was saying that His family bonds were based on faith rather than on blood lines. Jesus way of speaking is linked to spiritual level more than the emotional level attributing to His family. Therefore, He is already talking to His family. To the best of our knowledge He did not discontinue the lecture to speak with His mother and relatives as they had requested.
Archbishop Fulton J sheen, the wonder man of America, narrates this incident in his autobiography ‘Treasure in Clay.’ At the end of his college study, he was awarded a scholarship for further studies in the University. He wanted to do his doctorate before joining the Seminar for fear that he may not get that opportunity in the seminary. He took the good news to his spiritual father William Bergen. He congratulated him and asked “Do you believe in God?””I do.” “Then tear that scholarship and join the Seminary that is the will of God for you now.” sheen resisted in the beginning but not for long. He says, I obeyed him and never repented for my decision.” doing our will may please us for the moment, but doing the will of God will save us. It is exciting to realize that deep faith in God makes us as close to Jesus as His own natural mother and relatives.


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