Reflection On Mark 3: 7-12

We know how famous celebrities or ministers are protected by security guards when they move among the crowds. Many times there is waiting car, near at hand for the celebrities/ ministers to make an escape from the rushing mob which often accompanies their appearance. Jesus also faced similar problems. Jesus withdraws to the lakeside, leaving the synagogue where He had given enough provocation to the Jewish authorities because the time for the final confrontation had not yet come. Large crowds gathered even from very far off places and pagan lands mainly to be cured by Jesus. The people try to reach out to touch and shake hands with Jesus for they could get healed. Jesus told his disciples to have a fishing boat ready for Him so that He could keep some distance between himself and the crowd. The attraction continues to draw people to Jesus even today.
We come to our liturgies, private prayer, scripture readings or meditation to be close to Jesus and receive His blessing. We come especially with our afflictions to receive a hoped- for cure. Beyond our personal needs, we press close to Jesus to tell Him we love Him. Our pressures may push to Him into the boat, but our love will draw Him closer to us. Even the crowd had a desire to get well and Jesus cures them all. But we see none of these crowds at the time of Jesus crucifixion. Their idea of Messiah was that of a national leader, one who would lead extensive conquests and establish Jewish Kingdom. When people learnt that this man would not do it all left. This is precisely why Jesus asked the evil spirits who recognized and bowed down before Him to be silent. Not to proclaim that He is the one, lest it should lead to useless upheavals and turmoil. He had to prepare people slowly to the right understanding of the Messiah, one overflowing with compassion and love, one who would accomplish His mission through dying on the Cross. People often even after find material benefit (healing), but the real message of the Messiah is spiritual and hidden.
Question yourself:
How do you withdraw and involve from and in the life of people?
Are you compassionate in your dealings?

Are you capable to understand things in right way?


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