Reflection On Mark 4: 1-20

Jesus gives an idea on how do we respond to God’s call, how more are we give ways to Satan and how less importance to the Almighty through the parable of sower. The parable depicts the sower, the seed, the roadside, the rocky ground, the thorny ground and the fertile ground. Jesus has well explained the parable in the context of hearing the Word of God and responding to it, a requisite for His disciple as His mother, true brother and true sister. There is something very important that we must learn from at least two things on the sower and the seed.
The Sower is always generous, impartial and optimistic. He is generous because He continues to sow irrespective of the different responses from the ground. He is impartial because He sows irrespective of the quality of the ground. He is optimistic because He continues to sow hoping that some seed will grow somewhere, in some measure.  The seed is obedient, adaptable, potent and responsive. It does not demand a particular ground from the sower. It adapts to the ground on which is sown. It has the potential of bearing fruit even hundredfold but it responds according to the disposition of the ground.
What are the obstacles for the Word of God in bearing fruit? Worries, desires, riches Troubles and whatever else the Satan has in stock. There is a tree called ‘Mahua’ in the tribal belts of India. In summer it blossoms and its flowers are collected and sold mainly to brew liquor. It is a constant complaint among missionaries working there that if the ‘Mahua’ season coincides with the Lent (often it does). The ‘Mahua’ will prevail; not Lent. Attendance in Lenten retreats and other observances will be less. ‘Mahua’ is inevitable because it is a main source of income for the poor people, whereas Lent can be done away with. Satan presents his items in such pleasing ways that man is often incapable of discarding it. It hurts when we start living the Word of God whereas it pleases when we accept the gifts of Satan. When pleasures await us, we tend to neglect the Word, rendering it fruitless.
Question Yourself:
What kind of seed I am?

What pleases most to my life? Ways of God or Devil traps?


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