Reflection On Mark 4: 26-34

Though legend said Peter is the gatekeeper in heaven; there are actually many who falsely claim to be gatekeepers there, neither do they enter, nor do they allow others to enter. This happens to many leaders of different religions who claim to have purchased the patent rights of selling God. In fact, the Kingdom of God does not depend on agents for its growth. Man makes a big mistake when these instruments consider themselves to be the authors. Some individuals and organizations who have taken up the cause of religion think that if they withdraw their support, God is doomed.  Ridiculous!! Does God need saviors to redeem Him? If not, why do people and organizations indulge in killing each other, spreading hatred and violence, creating divisions in the society in the name of God, to save religion? We believe in God, to make sure our salvation and of others, not to save God from extinction. God’s work should be understood as God’s work; no man can substitute Him to do it.
The Gospel emphasizes a common happening which we see everyday, but don’t really understand. That is by growing of the seed. It is elementary to till the soil and plant the seed, but what would happen if we also had to make the seed sprout into new life? If the seed would refuse to grow, we could not open it as we would a car hood or TV set and twist or turn something to make it work. The seed operates on a different level- a mysterious, spiritual level. There are so many mysterious questions pertaining to the whole spiritual world that we have no way of understanding them except by the light of faith. The spiritual world is much more mysterious than the physical and only deep faith in God can help us to understand it. Our faith provides us with wonderful enlightenment, enabling us to make some progress in knowing the ‘unknowable God.’
The growth of the Kingdom is mysterious because even those who sow the seed do not know how well their word will bear fruit in the long run. The seed itself contain hidden thing. More important is how you sow and nurture the seed.
Questions to ponder:
How do I look at the growth of Kingdom of God in my life?
How do we see our faith in God as enlightenment?

How do I help the seed to grow in others life through me?


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