Reflection On John 12: 20-32

To attain something in life one must lose something – Do you agree? A simple question though it consists reality and thought provoking equation to life whether to lose or gain? Let me give an example of a man:
A group of explorers was trapped on frozen waters near South Pole. A heavy snow had fallen and their progress was slow. It was doubtful that they would make it back to their base. Their food supply had dwindled and each man had only a few biscuits in his knapsack. That night as they were sleeping, the leader stirred uneasily and awoke, for he had heard a movement and was afraid someone was ill. He lay his eyes almost close but watching. Then he saw his companion stretched out his arm very carefully towards the knapsack of the youngest member of the party. The leader was shocked. He knew they were all desperately hungry, but had they sunk so low that one of them had become a thief? That too an explorer was as bad as murderer. However, his fears quickly vanished as he saw the man take half a biscuit out of his own bag and place it very quietly in the other's. Apparently he had observed that the youngest in the party was getting very weak and he thought that he might be too proud to accept some one's rations. The leader said it was as though a fire had been kindled in the deadly cold of that Antarctic night. Sacrificial love had filled that snowy shelter with a warm glow.
Love is not blind but looks.
Abroad through other eyes
And asks not, “Must I give?"
But may I sacrifice?
The measure of our love is the measure of our sacrifice.
The context of the Gospel speaks on the same Sacrifice. Man’s highest life does not consist in self-expression, but in self-sacrifice. That is what Jesus insists; not only had He done it for our own sake. St. Paul re-asserts this desirable attitude of heart and mind. In his words, he invites us to be ‘all things to all people.’
A world that looks in on itself is a small world, a closed world. God places us in communities, a midst others, believers and unbelievers to be all things to all people. We can reveal to others their truest beauty: the image of God in every human life. Others can reveal to us surprising aspects about ourselves. To the extent we share, we grow. Self-projection is an error. Imperfection cannot project perfection. But perfection cans the perfection who is Christ. Man’s highest life consists in self sacrifice, self-giving in order that His light may shine through. All this was said explained and did by Jesus in His time.
Question to ponder:
Am I a life-giving man or woman?
Do you concern on others?


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