Reflection On Luke 9:22-25

All three synoptic evangelists’ record in their Gospels the passage read at today’s liturgy. The three accounts are very similar, but Luke adds an additional thought about carrying one’s cross. Where Mathew and Mark say we should carry our crosses, Luke adds the words, “each day”. We could take up our crosses periodically and still say we are following Jesus’ command. Luke, however, makes sure we understand that this is something which is to be done on a daily basis. Perhaps the Church chose Luke’s Gospel today, rather than one of the others, to emphasize this extended thought of daily commitment. The exhortation is especially meaningful on this second day of Lent.
We can easily be inspired about this penitential season on Ash Wednesday, but the real test begins now. On the day after, our resolutions and programs for spiritual improvement must be followed on a regular, daily basis if we hope to achieve any success those who are faithful daily, and dependable in their prayers and good deeds, will be the ones who are recognized as the true disciples of Jesus.  Jesus had to undergo great suffering and rejection from others, even from His own dear ones. Following Jesus is a great challenge before us, which calls for the acceptance of suffering, rejection, misunderstanding and total renunciation. These are the crosses that await us in our path of following Jesus. Trying to avoid these daily crosses would mean simply bypassing a greater reward-eternal life. Consciously taking up these crosses and following Jesus even at the cost of our lives, keeps us on the path to eternal life.
It was a bomb that launched in the midst of His disciples when He spoke these words –‘if anyone wants to follow me, he must forget self, and take up his cross every day’. It was admirable honesty on His part, but utter disillusionment for disciples. All their dreams about His capturing the power from the Romans and their having a good share in it, all shattered at one blow. They could not understand that His path to glory through Calvary and the Cross. The path is the same for anyone who wants to follow Jesus as a disciple. We too be eager to share His glory but terribly scared of Calvary and the Cross. Aren’t we? Lord initiates us to take up your cross with courage and love without hesitation.


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