Reflection On Mark 1: 12-15

In the reading, we get two messages for today. Jesus’ forty days of wilderness and a call to repentance.  Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness paralleled Israel’s forty years in the wilderness. In both the instances, there is the apparent ‘absence of God.’ The presence of God emerges as a result of struggle and testing. Satan tests Jesus in the wilderness, whereas Israel tested God there. Our Lord’s suffering, hunger, loneliness and humiliation at the hands of His enemies were all for us. This very thought should make us feel gladly welcome the little bit of suffering and humiliation we are to take for ourselves in our routines. One may not be in strict fasting from food and drink, yet there are subtle ways of observing penance in our daily lives – a controlled temper, less uncharitable talks, a little help, etc. which will help to keep our unruly minds and bodies in cheek, while at the same time it will show that we are grateful to our loving Savior for all that He suffered for us. A sincere and honor Christ our Savior during this Lenten season.
Second is repentance. A real repentance is a change of mind and heart; repentance with new attitudes, fresh patterns of behavior. “Rend your hearts,” says the Lord, “and not your garments.” To repent is to turn, to be converted. The sinner turns from sin to God, the lukewarm heats up. Not merely by sharing in community ritual; a man or woman is totally changed, has a new attitude towards Yahweh, abandons hundred habits. What God wants is not sacrifice but steadfast love. For Jesus too, repentance is a total turning. He describes it as becoming like a child. You repudiate your past and begin a new life. Today’s Gospel is instructive here: not simply “Repent” but “repent and believe in the Good News.” Believe in life- Christ’s life and your life, life here and hereafter, life now and forever. If you want to repent, live! Come alive!
If yesterday is sin today is love. The love that keeps all God’s commandments, the love that is not crushed by a cross, the love that dies for the other, the love that is stronger than death. Such was the love of Christ. If you want to repent, love! Love someone! If yesterday id fate today is freedom. If you want to repent, go free! Open yourself to God in free obedience; open yourself to others in uncompleted love!
Question Yourself:
Is my love endurable?
Am I capable to follow Jesus in the modern way?
Am I ready to repent for my sins?


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