Reflection On Mark 6: 14-29

The story of Herod and John the Baptist highlights the need for personal discernment and decisions. John’s tragedy results from Herod’s reluctance to take a personal stand. Herod depends too much on what the court officials say or think about him. He is a slave of the wicked whim of Herodias.
The melancholic end of upright and fearless Prophet on the hands of reckless ruler filled with lust, vain glory and false images of status and prestige! Before and after this, several rulers have played with innocent lives for their selfish interests. Herod made three big mistakes which a responsible ruler should not have committed. First, he set a bad example by marrying his brother’s wife. Second, he made a thoughtless promise to a dancer. Third, for fear of what people would say and to save his false prestige, he ordered the murder of a just and innocent man. No one has the right to play with life whether in prison or in the streets or in the womb. And those in authority, who have the duty to protect life, must think twice and make sure that innocent lives are not endangered. We are to extend genuine courtesy even to those in jail. They may be looked upon as a lower class society but they too have their dignity. Prison does not take away their right to basic respect. Regardless of the crime one has committed, a prisoner is still a human being. There is goodness, a quality and a divine sacredness in all people. The church today calls us “The people of God.” If we could see Jesus in one normally unwelcome person, there is no telling what beauty we might find within all individuals.
Once the honeybee, whose conduct used to be as sweet as the honey it makes, went to God and asked for a boon. “When I sting someone, there should be instant death.” God was shocked. The boon was changed into a curse. ‘Granted’ but the one who dies will be one who stings, not the one who is stung.” Message is clear: God wants promotion of life; not destruction.
We often pay too much attention to what others say or think about us! Don’t we? It is general virtue and safe policy to speak the “truth in charity”, without being mindful of others’ reactions and views. There are times when Charity means standing up for truth which alone triumphs at the end.
Questions to ponder:
What is my true color in truth?
Am I a just a man or a dynamic thing?


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