Reflection On Mark 7: 14-23

Again, Jesus makes reference to clean and unclean foods, the sprinkling of different kinds of foods and the manner in which they are prepared.  It was an extremely revolutionary statement by Jesus to say that no food was unclean. It sent a shock wave to any Jew.  In the Old Testament there are references on clean and unclean things. In reference to II Maccabaeus we have the story of seven brothers choosing torture and painful death, where they were asked to eat pork in defilement of the law. So sacred a law, which they had preserved by the blood of the martyrs, Jesus breaks abruptly, once again throwing light upon the difference between external and internal religion, external and internal purity. What is in the heart is much more important than what appears externally. For a every act of man is guided from the attitude of heart. External observances don’t do any good as long as the heart remains full of vices. A Muslim was chasing someone with a dagger to kill. Suddenly, there came the call to prayer. Once, he stopped, unrolled his prayer mat, knelt and completed his prayer fast, got up and continued his murderous pursuit. What good did his prayer do? We will need to introspect and see what vices are reigning our hearts and clean them up first.
Today many people are very knowledgeable about what should and shouldn’t be eaten. We used to be mainly concerned about getting too many calories, but now we are equally careful about cholesterol, sodium, etc. more than in times past, we are aware that diet can be a prime factor in promoting good health. A simple diet shared with a good friend, in a peaceful atmosphere, benefits not only the body, but one’s entire being as well. It gives energy, hope and an overall sense of well – being. I suppose we have not yet come to the realization that what we consume mentally also has a profound effect upon our psychic and emotional well – being.  Our mental diet can produce within us either virtuous or evil thoughts or desires which lead to good or bad actions. When asked what we’ll have for a dinner tonight, we normally would be expected to name some kind of tangible food. Even more important is, what kind of intangible spiritual nourishment will we receive at our meals today? The followers of Jesus are asked to root out these defilements from their hearts before they could be translated into evil deeds which in their turn would consume them.


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