Reflection On Mark 7: 31-37

The Gospel passage ends with the words, “He has done all things well.” So what had gone wrong in between? That is found in the account about the fall of man in Genesis. Man made a mistake and brought blemish to the creation that was originally good. Jesus came to remove that sin and he has entrusted us with the task of “doing all things well.” See how considerately Jesus takes the deaf and dumb man aside and heals him. We can also heal many a wound of the universe through our acts of compassion and love. That will be a remedy to the sins of the world. People brought to Jesus a man who couldn’t hear and asked that the hand of God be laid upon him. Jesus extended his healing hand and the man heard his blessing. The man also suffered from a profound speech impediment. That same extended hand of God blessed him and he was cured. The man’s speech was now as clear as was the fact that it was Jesus who had brought about the change. The others who had witnessed this dual miracle – those who could already hear well and speak plainly, could not remain silent about what they had seen and heard. Even though Jesus had strictly requested them to remain silent, they shouted loudly and joyfully, in state of divine excitement. Each day blessings flow from the hand of God which can heal us and help us to solve the many problems we face in living out our lives. In turn, through our hands, blessings and good deeds can be extended to others. Our many natural abilities, which we often take for granted, are really most precious gifts from God. We can all make a long list of blessings and abilities which come to us from the hand of God. Our fearing and speech are tremendously valuable assets, gifts beyond all material measure. Let us use our blessings well to praise God for his goodness, and when we can, let us pass them on to others.
James Keller narrates this incident in his book ‘You can change the World’. An eight year old girl was being chased away by a mob in Southern China. She had an incurable cancer and the villagers feared that it was contagious. Her tender flesh and bones were being eaten by cancer when her parents and relatives abandoned her. Now there came a missionary, hearing the crowd. He took her in his arms, murmuring in her ears, “The same God who created me, created you too. You are my younger sister. I will take care of you.” The child could not believe her ears. “But I have no money to give you.” “Give your love that will do.” She spent three more years in the missionary’s place, singing, dancing, serving food and clearing the wounds of others of the same fate. When she died, the others said, “Our little heaven has gone to heaven.” A small act of love, of compassion will bring a big change in the lives of many. That is why the deaf and dumb man could not keep quiet when he was cured. He started spreading the message of love.
Question Yourself:
Am I grateful to the Almighty?
Am I compassionate and loving with my neighbor? Whether only to friends or foe?
Am I helping others to grow spiritually as well as socially alike Jesus?


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