Reflection On Mark 9: 2-10

Imagine the radiant scene of Jesus in the state of transfiguration on picturesque Mount Tabor. It can easily excite the imagination. One can see the delicate golden beauty of grace and goodness shining through His eyes, face and entire body. The unique event attracts both the newly recruited apostles and the leaders from the past – Moses and Elijah. Jesus is the sacred centerpiece of all the surroundings. His transfiguration, however, was not actually a miracle, for Jesus by nature was radiant within. Here the inner beauty was simply allowed to shine forth. The real miracle was that Jesus was not in a state of transfiguration continuously. He daily hid His real glory and appeared as just another ordinary person. This exposed inner glow could have drawn thousands of followers, but Jesus did not want disciples who were only fascinated with Him. The Lord wanted people who would follow Him because they believed in His words. He was not about to play the role of celebrity or miracle worker, simply to gather a following. We believe in the words of Jesus whether we are on Tabor or standing at the ugly scene on Calvary. True disciples are followers and believers in all places for all times.
At this instance in the passage, the three disciples of Jesus were fully taken up by the event of transfiguration and wanted to be ever in that state of experience. It was an unforgettable experience, which confirmed the Messiahship of Jesus to the disciples. And the effect was the reinforcement of the disciples’ faith, but it was not the culmination in their lives. There was a long way ahead for them to reach the resurrection experience. There are experiences in our faith life and often we want to remain in those moments not wanting to get out of them. But our journey does not end there. We have the long plains, the stormy seas, the dark night of Gethsemane and the high Golgotha before us to be travelled through. So let us not be stopped by the ‘transfiguration experience’ but live our lives in fullness sharing the burdens and the crosses that we may have the real ‘resurrection experience.’
Questions to ponder:
Can you imagine Jesus’ transfiguration?
What changes Jesus gonna bring in your life?
Do you experience the faith in Jesus?


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