Reflection On Mathew 6: 1-6, 16-18

The section of Mathew’s Gospel is recognized as being the Gospel for Ash Wednesday. We might think it is applicable only to Lent – like an actor who always plays the role of hero or villain and thereby becomes role-typed. The advice was meant for all people and foe their daily living situations. It’s not just seasonal. Therefore, everyday is a good time to give alms to the poor, not just during a penitential time. Every day we are expected to offer prayers and devotions to God. Perhaps we could make the Stations of the Cross at various times of the year. Likewise, fasting should not be limited only to the Lenten season. Fasting, along with prayer, was recommended by Jesus in order to have the power on the evil spirits in this world. Make for yourself a spiritual program that you will follow throughout the year. Give high priority to works and charity, sincere prayers, devotions and fasting. This is the recommendation of Jesus which he preached in the Sermon on the Mount, at the beginning of His public ministry. More important, the Lord used these as guidelines for His own daily living.
The ancient practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving are recommended for our personal and community improvement. Beyond these traditional practices, many other devotions and spiritual projects can be pursued. We might resolve to forgive an enemy, assist an unfortunate person, or meditate on the six powerful themes for the Sundays of the season. One basic Lenten duty is to concentrate on God’s goodness more than on our own sinfulness and thus expand the narrow bonds of our thinking.
Thus the Lenten fast is a call to let our whole life is renewed by the Holy Spirit. And Ash Wednesday is only a symbolic beginning to that process of letting oneself to the spirit’s guidance. One every Ash Wednesday we are to begin a process of rebirth from our sinful ashes to a festival of life that is to be symbolically achieved in the resurrection of the Son of Man. Further, the whole season of Lent is a time to rediscover the true path that leads to true life in the Spirit. In Jesus we have the path that leads to life. He shows us the way: the way of the cross. The means to travel through this way of the Cross are good deeds, prayer and fasting. Let us make these our own way of life during this Lenten season.


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