Reflection On John 20: 1-9 / Mathew 28: 1-10 / Luke 24: 13-35

Easter is the most important feast of the liturgical year. Even in our own days we have people who question the veracity of the resurrection, we have people who deny it outright. But in today’s Readings we have the testimony of Peter and John who declare that they had direct experience of the Risen Lord. The Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, from which we get their testimony are historical accounts and not works of fiction. To prove the truthfulness of what He taught and preached, Peter gave up his life. In John’s case that need did not arise, we can believe what both of them taught, that Jesus risen from the dead.

Things take an U-turn at the empty tomb! In the sordid brokenness of her Master’s death Mary of Magdela witnesses a miracle. ‘The tomb lies open!’ even the disciples John and Peter who were so close to Jesus are stunned at the reality; the Lord is not there in the tomb! Surprise – this is the first experience of the resurrection event. In our lives too, in moments of despair, when we feel that our world is coming to an end, we may find the Lord who is our way, our life, our hope and everything buried in the tomb of our ignorance. 

As we mourn over the past and try to wipe off the tears of our losses, we will be surprised to see that the tomb is empty, a reality so difficult to digest. Then we start sensing the seeds sprouting amidst the bricks falling; life takes a new direction now. Joy fills our hearts. Though slowly, we, people of apprehensions, fears and uncertainties are transformed into missionaries and visionaries.
St. Paul tells us today that along with Christ we too have risen to a new life in the Spirit through our baptism and so from now on we should live with our eyes fixed on Heaven and not on earth. May the Easter help us become people who are transformed by the joy of the Resurrection.

Questions to ponder:
How Easter makes difference this year?
What are your resolutions at this Easter?
How do you prosper your life at this Easter in the Risen Lord?


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