Reflection On Mathew 23: 1-12
Jesus makes a truly noble statement in the Gospel where He tells His apostles to respect the offices held by the scribes and the Pharisees. Although they were his avowed enemies, Jesus separates the people from their positions. Even if He doesn't approve of the people, He can still support their position and ask His disciples to do likewise. They are to be treated with respect because their office, which was passed down from Moses, deserves it. How many of us can make that fine distinction between the office and the person who occupies it? We would do well to examine our own degree of reverence for the various offices in today’s society. Jesus as a person, who was both meek and humble of heart, was not always that way with everyone. To the hurting and helpless, yes; but He reserved some of his most severe condemnations for the scribes and the Pharisees. There existed a certain natural animosity between them. In the height of that observation, I find the opening sentence of this...